How to Find a Lost Car Key
If you've ever lost your car key, you know what a frustrating and even dangerous situation it can be. It seems like no matter how much you try to stay on top of your things, the most important ones (like your car keys) can slip through the cracks. In the shuffle of running errands, taking kids to school or picking them up after practice, working out at the gym, grocery store runs, dinner with friends and a million other things on your to-do list, it only takes one second to lose something that you use every day.
But don't panic, you're not the only one to lose a set of car keys and there are many ways that you can solve this problem without much hassle.
First, you need to take a deep breath and calm down. While this may be difficult to do, it is essential for putting your rational side back in charge and getting to work. Once you are calm and focused, you should start by retracing your steps. Remembering where you were and what you were doing can help you figure out where they could have gone missing. If you were at a restaurant, for example, you might have accidentally dropped the keys with your pizza tray and forgot about them.
If this doesn't work, try calling the places you went to to see if they have a lost and found bin. You might be surprised to find that a customer or even employee has turned your key fob in for safe keeping.
It's also worth checking your pockets and any bags you have with you. You might have accidentally left them inside a coat or in your bag when you reached in to grab another item, knocking them out of your hands. If all of this is in vain, it's time to call a locksmith.
The good news is that a lot of locksmiths can make replacement car keys for pretty cheap. However, the process will be a bit more involved if you have a modern smart key that requires reprogramming. In this case, you will have to wait for a dealership to replace the chip that connects the key to your vehicle and will require proof of ownership papers in order to be done quickly.
The best way to avoid losing your car keys is to make it a habit to always put them in the same place when you're not using them. This will not only prevent you from forgetting where they are, but it's also a great way to keep your house tidy. Studies have shown that it only takes 66 days to form a habit, so don't give up! Good luck! Hopefully, you'll never lose your car keys again. But if you do, just follow these tips and you'll be back on the road in no time. Happy driving!lost car key