Selecting Portable Pumps for Fire Fighting
Fire fighting is a serious business and it requires the right tools for the job. One of the most important pieces of equipment is the pump used to deliver water at high pressure to fight a fire. Depending on the type of fire that needs to be put out, some fire departments may require a different pump than others. There are several factors that influence what type of pump is needed, including the potential fire hazard and water supply accessibility. In addition, a fire department's ability to move their pumps from place to place will affect their choice as well.
When selecting a fire fighting pump, it is very important to know what size of hose the pump will need. Most firefighters use a 1" hose, which is a manageable size that provides the perfect balance between volume and water pressure. The pump should have a discharge port that is the same size as the hose, so that the hose can easily be attached and removed when necessary. Also, make sure the nozzles that are being used with the pump are compatible as well.
Another factor that is important to keep in mind when selecting a fire fighting pump is the maximum head (or lifting power). The higher this number, the more water can be pumped at one time. This can be helpful in putting out a fire quickly and effectively, especially if the fire is in an area that is difficult to reach by ground or water vehicle.
Some of the other features to keep in mind when choosing a fire fighting pump include its weight, size and engine type. Some fire fighting pumps are lightweight for easier transport and can fit in the back of a vehicle with no problem. This allows the fire department to save space on their trucks for other gear, or even to have room for more people on the crew.
Many fire fighting pumps come with a carrying handle centered on top of the unit, making it easy to lift and carry. They are also usually built with a strong, durable frame that will not rust or mildew while in service.
Lastly, many fire fighting pumps can be customized to meet specific application and budget requirements. For instance, some have an additional suction port to be able to pull water directly from a lake, river or tank. Others are available with an additional hydraulic ram to be able to lift the head of the pump higher, enabling it to reach more heights and thus get water to the fire more quickly and efficiently.
Whether you are looking for a new portable fire fighting pump for your fire department, or are just in the market for a high quality, reliable water pump, we have you covered. Browse JME's selection by brand, price, size, water pressure, flow rate and more to find the perfect pump for your firefighting needs.portable pumps for fire fighting